Northville Amateur Radio Association


Club meetings are being held online.

 Here you can learn more about our leadership team, our members, and our many events throughout the year. We meet on the first non-holiday  Tuesday of the month, doors open at 7:00, call to order is at 7:30, in the basement of the First Congregational Church building, 36 Main Street, New Milford, CT.  We'll have our portable radios tuned to both repeater frequencies for those wishing to call-in. Meetings generally last for up to 90 minutes, depending on the activity schedule for the month. Our meetings are open to all who are interested in amateur radio and we welcome new members at all of our formal and informal gatherings.

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the state of Connecticut. Our mission is the growth and public service of amateur radio and the fellowship and community that amateur radio offers licensed operators, friends, and families across the United States and beyond. Our FCC authorized club station license call sign is NA1RA. NARA is affiliated with the American Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), actively contributing to the goal of advancing the art and science of radio. NARA owns and operates amateur radio and repeater systems which may provide critical communications in times of emergency or disaster.

NARA values the critical importance of relationships with local town governments and jointly develops Memorandums of Understanding (MOU). NARA promotes a working knowledge of Public Safety Communications infrastructure and Public Safety First Responder protocols.